40 research outputs found

    Perceived Sufficiency of Full-Field Digital Mammograms With and Without Irreversible Image Data Compression for Comparison with Next-Year Mammograms

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    Problems associated with the large file sizes of digital mammograms have impeded the integration of digital mammography with picture archiving and communications systems. Digital mammograms irreversibly compressed by the novel wavelet Access Over Network (AON) compression algorithm were compared with lossless-compressed digital mammograms in a blinded reader study to evaluate the perceived sufficiency of irreversibly compressed images for comparison with next-year mammograms. Fifteen radiologists compared the same 100 digital mammograms in three different comparison modes: lossless-compressed vs 20:1 irreversibly compressed images (mode 1), lossless-compressed vs 40:1 irreversibly compressed images (mode 2), and 20:1 irreversibly compressed images vs 40:1 irreversibly compressed images (mode 3). Compression levels were randomly assigned between monitors. For each mode, the less compressed of the two images was correctly identified no more frequently than would occur by chance if all images were identical in compression. Perceived sufficiency for comparison with next-year mammograms was achieved by 97.37% of the lossless-compressed images and 97.37% of the 20:1 irreversibly compressed images in mode 1, 97.67% of the lossless-compressed images and 97.67% of the 40:1 irreversibly compressed images in mode 2, and 99.33% of the 20:1 irreversibly compressed images and 99.19% of the 40:1 irreversibly compressed images in mode 3. In a random-effect analysis, the irreversibly compressed images were found to be noninferior to the lossless-compressed images. Digital mammograms irreversibly compressed by the wavelet AON compression algorithm were as frequently judged sufficient for comparison with next-year mammograms as lossless-compressed digital mammograms

    Quantitative MRI radiomics in the prediction of molecular classifications of breast cancer subtypes in the TCGA/TCIA data set

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    Using quantitative radiomics, we demonstrate that computer-extracted magnetic resonance (MR) image-based tumor phenotypes can be predictive of the molecular classification of invasive breast cancers. Radiomics analysis was performed on 91 MRIs of biopsy-proven invasive breast cancers from National Cancer Institute’s multi-institutional TCGA/TCIA. Immunohistochemistry molecular classification was performed including estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2, and for 84 cases, the molecular subtype (normal-like, luminal A, luminal B, HER2-enriched, and basal-like). Computerized quantitative image analysis included: three-dimensional lesion segmentation, phenotype extraction, and leave-one-case-out cross validation involving stepwise feature selection and linear discriminant analysis. The performance of the classifier model for molecular subtyping was evaluated using receiver operating characteristic analysis. The computer-extracted tumor phenotypes were able to distinguish between molecular prognostic indicators; area under the ROC curve values of 0.89, 0.69, 0.65, and 0.67 in the tasks of distinguishing between ER+ versus ER−, PR+ versus PR−, HER2+ versus HER2−, and triple-negative versus others, respectively. Statistically significant associations between tumor phenotypes and receptor status were observed. More aggressive cancers are likely to be larger in size with more heterogeneity in their contrast enhancement. Even after controlling for tumor size, a statistically significant trend was observed within each size group (P = 0.04 for lesions ≤ 2 cm; P = 0.02 for lesions >2 to≤ 5 cm) as with the entire data set (P-value = 0.006) for the relationship between enhancement texture (entropy) and molecular subtypes (normal-like, luminal A, luminal B, HER2-enriched, basal-like). In conclusion, computer-extracted image phenotypes show promise for high-throughput discrimination of breast cancer subtypes and may yield a quantitative predictive signature for advancing precision medicine

    Lack of agreement between radiologists: implications for image-based model observers

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    We tested the agreement of radiologists' rankings of different reconstructions of breast computed tomography images based on their diagnostic (classification) performance and on their subjective image quality assessments. We used 102 pathology proven cases (62 malignant, 40 benign), and an iterative image reconstruction (IIR) algorithm to obtain 24 reconstructions per case with different image appearances. Using image feature analysis, we selected 3 IIRs and 1 clinical reconstruction and 50 lesions. The reconstructions produced a range of image quality from smooth/low-noise to sharp/high-noise, which had a range in classifier performance corresponding to AUCs of 0.62 to 0.96. Six experienced Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA) radiologists rated the likelihood of malignancy for each lesion. We conducted an additional reader study with the same radiologists and a subset of 30 lesions. Radiologists ranked each reconstruction according to their preference. There was disagreement among the six radiologists on which reconstruction produced images with the highest diagnostic content, but they preferred the midsharp/noise image appearance over the others. However, the reconstruction they preferred most did not match with their performance. Due to these disagreements, it may be difficult to develop a single image-based model observer that is representative of a population of radiologists for this particular imaging task

    Ergonomic strategies to improve radiographers’ posture during mammography activities

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    Objectives: To identify alternatives for radiographers’ postures while performing mammography that can contribute to reduce the risk of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs). Methods: Radiographers’ postures to positioning craniocaudal (CC) and mediolateral oblique (MLO) views were simulated without any intervention for three scenarios: radiographer/patient with similar statures, radiographer smaller than patient and radiographer taller than patient. Actions were taken to modify the postures: seated radiographer; patient on a step; seated patient; radiographer on a step. All the postures were analysed using kinovea 0.8.15 software and the angles were measured twice and classified according to European standard EN1005–4: 2005. Results: The non-acceptable angles were measured mainly during MLO positioning when radiographer was taller than the patient: 139° and 120° for arm-flexion and abduction, 72° for trunk and −24° for head/neck-flexion. The introduction of alternative postures (radiographer seated), allowed improvements in posture (60° and 99° for arm flexion and abduction, 14° for trunk and 0° for head/neck flexion), being classified as acceptable. Conclusions: The alternative postures simulated have the potential to reduce the risk of developing WRMSDs when radiographers and patients have different statures. Main messages • Radiographers’ postures in mammography can contribute to work-related musculoskeletal disorders • Non-acceptable posture was identified for MLO breast positioning (radiographer taller than patient) • Adapting posture to patient biotype reduces the WRMSD risk for radiographer